AD7150:  用于近程传感的超低功耗双通道电容式转换器

AD7150采用一种响应快速的超低功耗转换器,为电容式近程传感器提供了一种全面的信号处理解决方案。AD7151是AD7150的更低功耗、单通道形式。AD7150采用ADI公司的电容-数字转换器(CDC)技术,这种技术汇集了与实际传感器接口过程中起着重要作用的多种特色功能于一身,如高输入灵敏度,较高的输入寄生接地电容和泄漏电流容限。集成自适应式阈值算法可对因环境因素(如湿度和温度)或绝缘材料老化而导致传感器电容发生的任何变化进行补偿。默认情况下,AD7150采用固定加电设置以独立模式运行,并以两路数字输出显示检测结果。另外,AD7150也可通过串行接口与微控制器连接,可通过用户自定义设置对内部寄存器进行编程,数据和状态信息可从该器件中读取。AD7150工作电源电压为2.7 V至3.6 V,额定温度范围为-40°C至+85°C。

The AD7150 delivers a complete signal processing solution for capacitive proximity sensors, featuring an ultra-low power converter with fast response time. The AD7151 is a single-channel, lower power alternative to the AD7150.The AD7150 uses Analog Devices, Inc., capacitance-to-digital converter (CDC) technology, which combines features important for interfacing to real sensors, such as high input sensitivity and high tolerance of both input parasitic ground capacitance and leakage current. The integrated adaptive threshold algorithm compensates for any variations in the sensor capacitance due to environmental factors like humidity and temperature or due to changes in the dielectric material over time.By default, the AD7150 operates in standalone mode using the fixed power-up settings and indicates detection on two digital outputs. Alternatively, the AD7150 can be interfaced to a microcontroller via the serial interface, the internal registers can be programmed with user-defined settings, and the data and status can be read from the part.The AD7150 operates with a 2.7 V to 3.6 V power supply. It is specified over the temperature range of −40°C to +85°C.

AD7150 特点
AD7150 技术指标
  • Resolution (Bits): 12bit
  • # Chan: 2
  • Sample Rate: n/a
  • Interface: I²C/Ser 2-Wire,Ser
  • Analog Input Type: SE-Uni
  • Ain Range: 0.5 pF,1 pF,2 pF,4 pF
  • ADC Architecture: Sigma-Delta
  • Pkg Type: SOP
AD7150 应用领域
  • 近程传感
  • 无触点开关
  • 位置检测
  • 液位检测
AD7150 实验电路图

AD7150 功能框图

AD7150 芯片订购指南

产品型号 产品状态 封装 引脚 温度范围
AD7150BRMZ 量产 10 ld MSOP 10 工业
AD7150BRMZ-REEL 量产 10 ld MSOP 10 工业
EVAL-AD7150EBZ 量产 评估板 - 待定
AD7150 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. AD7150 数据手册DataSheet下载 .pdf
  2. Analog Devices, Inc.ADI 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .pdf
  3. ADC模数转换器选型指南 .pdf