LTC1164-7 Low Power, linear Phase 8th Order Lowpass Filter

Low power is achieved without sacrificing dynamic range. With single 5V supply, the S/N + THD is up to 75dB. Optimum 91dB S/N is obtained with ±7.5V supplies.

The clock-to-cutoff frequency ratio of the LTC1164-7 can be set to 50:1 (pin 10 to V + ) or 100:1 (pin 10 to V - ).

When the filter operates at the clock-to-cutoff frequency ratio of 50:1, the input is double-sampled to lower the risk of aliasing.

The LTC1164-7 is pin-compatible with the LTC1064-X series and LTC1264-7

产品特点 Features
  • Better Than Bessel Roll-Off
  • fCUTOFF up to 20kHz, Single 5V Supply
  • ISUPPLY = 2.5mA (Typ), Single 5V Supply
  • 75dB THD + Noise with Single 5V Supply
  • Phase and Group Delay Response Fully Tested
  • Transient Response with No Ringing
  • Wide Dynamic Range
  • No External Components Needed
  • Available in 14-Lead N and 16-Lead SW Packages
LTC1164-7 参数
  • Data Communication Filters
  • Time Delay Networks
  • Phase Matched Filters
LTC1164-7 典型应用
LTC1164-7 订购信息和价格参考Package Variations and Pricing
器件型号 封装 引脚 温度 价格 (以 1 ~ 99 片为批量) 价格 (以 1000 片为批量) *
LTC1164-5CN PDIP 14 C $13.35  $10.80 
LTC1164-5CN#PBF PDIP 14 C $13.35  $10.80 
LTC1164-5CSW SO 16 C $18.35  $14.85 
LTC1164-5CSW#PBF SO 16 C $18.35  $14.85 
LTC1164-5CSW#TR SO 16 C $14.91 
LTC1164-5CSW#TRPBF SO 16 C $14.91 
LTC1164-6CN PDIP 14 C $15.00  $12.35 
LTC1164-6CN#PBF PDIP 14 C $15.00  $12.35 
LTC1164-6CSW SO 16 C $18.35  $14.85 
LTC1164-6CSW#PBF SO 16 C $18.35  $14.85 
LTC1164-6CSW#TR SO 16 C $14.91 
LTC1164-6CSW#TRPBF SO 16 C $14.91 
LTC1164-7CN PDIP 14 C $13.35  $10.80 
LTC1164-7CN#PBF PDIP 14 C $13.35  $10.80 
LTC1164-7CSW SO 16 C $18.35  $14.85 
LTC1164-7CSW#PBF SO 16 C $18.35  $14.85 
LTC1164-7CSW#TR SO 16 C $14.91 
LTC1164-7CSW#TRPBF SO 16 C $14.91 
LTC1164ACN PDIP 24 C $14.60  $11.50 
LTC1164ACN#PBF PDIP 24 C $14.60  $11.50 
LTC1164ACSW SO 24 C $19.00  $15.00 
LTC1164ACSW#PBF SO 24 C $19.00  $15.00 
LTC1164ACSW#TR SO 24 C $15.10 
LTC1164ACSW#TRPBF SO 24 C $15.10 
LTC1164CN PDIP 14 C $10.00  $8.10 
LTC1164CN#PBF PDIP 14 C $10.00  $8.10 
LTC1164CSW SO 24 C $12.00  $9.45 
LTC1164CSW#PBF SO 24 C $12.00  $9.45 
LTC1164CSW#TR SO 24 C $9.55 
LTC1164CSW#TRPBF SO 24 C $9.55 
LTC1164-7 数据手册及相关资料下载
  1. 数据手册(英文) : LTC1164-7 - Low Power, linear Phase 8th Order Lowpass Filter.PDF
  2. 应用指南 (英文) : AN56 - Better than Bessel linear Phase Filters For Data Communications.PDF
  3. 可靠性数据 : R042 Reliability Data.PDF