EVAL5987A 3 A step-down switching regulator demonstration board based on the L5987, L5987A

The EVAL5987/A demonstration board provides the design engineer with a fully functional stepdown switching regulator with an output current of up to 3 A. The board integrates STMicroelectronics’ L5987/A step-down switching regulator, together with all the external components required for a typical application.

The rated voltage of the input capacitor and the Schottky diode rectifier repetitive peak reverse voltage are both 25 V, making the board capable of covering the entire 2.9 V - 18 V input voltage range of the L5987/A device.

The board features an external resistor divider (R1 and R2) designed for an output voltage of 1.8 V.

The output voltage can be set to a level from 0.6 V up to the input voltage.

The compensation network on the demonstration board allows the use of MLCC as output filter to keep the loop stable. The inductor saturation current and forward current of the Schottky diode are within the current limit values.

The switching frequency on the demonstration board is set to 500 kHz by means of the R5 resistor connected to pin Fsw.

EVAL5987A 订购信息
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EVAL5987A Active   1000        
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EVAL5987A : 3 A step-down switching regulator demonstration board based on the L5987, L5987A 1 281KB