EV2200 PC 接口板

名称 EV2200 PC Interface Board
EV2200 描述

The EV2200 provides a development and evaluation environment for HDQ based and SMBus based gas gauge ICs. The EV2200 provides connections for the communication lines of an intelligent battery with a serial interface port of a Windows-based PC. With the EV2200, the user can read/write the gas gauge registers of each IC and monitor the battery's status. In the SBS SMBus environment, the interface board and software allow the battery pack designer to evaluate the function of the ICs, calibrate the intelligent battery circuit for current, temperature, and voltage measurements, and program the external EEPROM.

EV2200 特性
EV2200 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. TI 德州仪器电池管理产品选型与价格 . xls
EV2200 相关产品
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