UCC3750EVM 评估模块

名称 UCC3750EVM Evaluation Module
价格(US$) $49.00 
UCC3750EVM 描述

The UCC3750 Source Ringer Controller provides a complete control and drive solution for a four quadrant flyback-based ring generator circuit. The IC controls a primary side switch, which is modulated when power transfer is taking place from input to output. It also controls two secondary switches which act as synchronous rectifier switches during positive power flow. These switches are pulse-width-modulated when the power is being delivered back to the source.

UCC3750EVM 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. TI 德州仪器NVSRAM(非易失性 SRAM)产品选型与价格 . xls
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