EG-SR-7100A Ethernet Gateway Serial-to-Ethernet

WIZnet Chip Network Module
EG-SR-7100A Ethernet Gateway Serial-to-Ethernet
  1. Plus & Play Serial-to-Ethernet Gateway module
  2. High stability & reliability by W3100A-LF Wiznet Chip (Fully Hardwired TCP/IPstack)
  3. 10/100Mbps Ethernet Interface, Max. 230Kbps Serial Interface
  4. Compact 50mm X 30mm size
  5. Configuration Program : Easy Interface and Powerful Functionality
Architecture TCP/IP W3100A-LF
PHY RTL8201BL (Ethernet PHY)
Serial RS232 LVTTL
- 32K Bytes in-system programmable (ISP) Flash
Memory SRAM (32K Bytes)
Network Interface 10/100 Base-T Ethernet (Auto detection)
Serial Flow Control None, XON/XOFF, RTS/CTS
Serial Format 8-N-1, 8-O-1, 8-E-1, 7-O-1, 7-E-1
(Data-Parity-Stop bit)
Speed 1200bps to 230Kbps
Dimensions 50mm x 30mm x 8.85mm
Connector Type 2x12 2mm Pin header array
Input Voltage 3.3V internal operation, 5V tolerant I/Os
Power Consumption 150mA
Temperature -10’C ~ 70’C (Operating), -40~85’C (Storage)
Humidity 10 ~ 90 %
Ordering information
Model Description
EG-SR-7100A Serial-to-Ethernet Gateway module
EG-SR-7100A-EVB Evaluation Board for EG-SR-7100A
技术支持 Download
  1. RS-485 Reference schematic for EG-SR-7100A .PDF
  2. Differenes btw EG-SR-7100A & EG-SR-7150MJ .PDF
  3. Configuration Tool for EG-SR-7100A .ZIP
  4. Configuration tool Source for the EG-SR-7100A .ZIP
  5. EG-SR-7100A F/W V4.6 .ZIP
  6. EG-SR-7100A Brochure .PDF
  7. EG-SR-7100A reference schematic .ZIP
  8. EG-SR-7100A User's Manual .PDF
  9. EG-SR-7100A Module Dimension .PDF
  10. EG-SR-7100A Connector2 .JPG
  11. EG-SR-7100A Connector1.JPG
  12. EG-SR-7100A Connector Specification
  13. How To Update Using Flip
  14. EG-SR-7100A How to update firmware .PDF
  15. How To Update Using Flip .PDF
  16. How to capture the packet using Ethereal .PDF