ADF4155 Integer-N / Fractional-N PLL Synthesizer

The ADF4155 allows implementation of fractional-N or integer-N phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers when used with an external loop filter, external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), and external reference frequency.

The ADF4155 is for use with external VCO parts up to an 8 GHz operating frequency. The high resolution programmable modulus allows synthesis of exact frequencies with 0 Hz error.

The VCO frequency can be divided by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 to allow the user to generate RF output frequencies as low as 7.8125 MHz.

Control of all on-chip registers is through a simple 3-wire interface. The device operates with a nominal power supply of 3.3 V ± 5% and can be powered down when not in use.

The ADF4155 is available in a 24-lead, 4 mm × 4 mm LFCSP package.


Features and Benefits
  • Input frequency range: 500 MHz to 8000 MHz
  • Fractional-N synthesizer and integer-N synthesizer
  • Phase frequency detector (PFD) up to 125 MHz
  • High resolution 38-bit modulus
  • Separate charge pump supply (VP) allows extended tuning voltage in 5 V systems
  • Programmable divide by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 output
  • Differential and single-ended reference inputs
  • Power supply: 3.3 V ± 5%
  • Logic compatibility: 1.8 V
  • Programmable dual-modulus prescaler (P) of 4/5 or 8/9
  • Programmable output power level
  • 3-wire serial interface
  • Analog and digital lock detect
Clock & Timing
RF & Microwave
Software & Systems Requirements
Data Sheets
ADF4155: Integer-N/Fractional-N PLL Synthesizer Data Sheet (Rev. 0)PDF 523 kB
User Guides
UG-686: Evaluation Board for the ADF4155 PLL Frequency SynthesizerPDF 2493 kB
Order Information
Part NumberPackagePacking QtyTemp RangePrice 100-499Price 1000+RoHS
ADF4155BCPZ Production24 ld LFCSP 4x4mm (2.5EP) OTH 490-40 to 85C5.795.02Y
ADF4155BCPZ-RL7 Production24 ld LFCSP 4x4mm (2.5EP) REEL 1500-40 to 85C05.02Y
Evaluation Boards
Part NumberDescriptionPriceRoHS
EV-ADF4155EB1ZEvaluation Board225Y
ADF4155:整数N/小数N分频PLL频率合成器 (Rev. 0) adf4155
ADF4155: Integer-N/Fractional-N PLL Synthesizer Data Sheet (Rev. 0) adf4155
ADF4155评估板软件 adf4155
UG-686: Evaluation Board for the ADF4155 PLL Frequency Synthesizer adf4155