LPC54101J512UK49: Low Power 32-bit Microcontroller based on ARM® Cortex®-M4
The LPC54101J512UK49 is an ARM Cortex-M4F-based microcontroller designed to handle the space and power constraints of sensing applications, from simple, ultra-low-power sensor listening, to data aggregation, sensor fusion or other sensor data processing, and external communication.
For active mode processing, operating at a CPU frequency up to 100 MHz, developers can optimize power efficiency using a Cortex-M4F processor which can complete math-intensive algorithms, such as sensor fusion, more quickly while saving power. The ARM Cortex-M4F is a 32-bit core that offers system enhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a high level of block integration, and DSP instructions.
The LPC54101J512UK49 was architected for performance and low power. Low power enhancements include: a 12-bit, 12-channel ADC delivering 4.8Msps operation at full spec, including 1.62 V; an asynchronous peripheral bus that helps minimize peripheral power consumption by reducing peripheral clock speed without affecting the CPU clock; a low-power Flash writable at 1.62 V. Core and peripheral voltages are automatically scaled for reduced power consumption at any frequency.

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Name/Description | Modified Date |
wlcsp49_lpc5410_fr (REV 1.0) PDF (347.0 kB) WLCSP49_LPC5410_FR | 06 Nov 2014 |
Ordering Information
Product | Status | Core | Clock speed [max] (MHz) | DMIPS | Flash (kB) | RAM (kB) | EEPROM (kB) | Security | GPIO | Ethernet | USB | USB (speed) | USB (type) | LCD | CAN | UART | I²C | SPI | I²S | ADC channels | ADC (bits) | Comparators | ADC sample rate | DAC (bits) | Timers | Timer (bits) | SCTimer / PWM | RTC | PWM | QEI | Package name | Temperature range | Supply voltage [min] (V) | Supply voltage [max] (V) | IOH | Demoboard | Product category |
LPC54101J512UK49 | Active | Cortex-M4F | 100 | 127 | 512 | 104 | | | 39 | | | | | | | 4 | 3 | 2 | | 12 | 12 | | 4.8 Msps | | 5 | 32 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | WLCSP | -40 °C to +105 °C | 1.62 | 3.6 | N | OM13077; OM13078 | 194-LPC54100- |
Package Information
Product ID | Package Description | Outline Version | Reflow/Wave Soldering | Packing | Product Status | Part NumberOrdering code(12NC) | Marking | Chemical Content | RoHS / Pb Free / RHF | LeadFree Conversion Date | MSL | MSL LF |
LPC54101J512UK49 |  | OL-LPC5410 | wlcsp49_lpc5410_fr | Reel 13" Q1/T1 in Drypack | Active | LPC54101J512UK49Z
(9353 051 35019) | Standard Marking | LPC54101J512UK49 |    | Always Pb-free | 1 | 1 |