MIFARE DESFire EV1 256B: MIFARE DESFire EV1 256B contactless smartcard IC

MIFARE DESFire EV1 256B (MF3ICD(H)Q1), is the future proof entry level product of the well-established MIFARE DESFire family and is addressing applications with low memory but high security and data integrity needs.

The MIFARE DESFire EV1 256B offers the same security and file creation features as the higher memory family members (Ref. 1), but the number of applications and related files on this product is limited due to its small memory plot.

This addresses the needs of account based systems and environments requiring only a limited set of applications.

These applications include but are not limited to access management, public transport ticketing, loyalty schemes and closed-loop payment.

It is fully compatible to all other members of the MIFARE DESFire EV1 family, offering the same fast and highly secure data transmission, and is fully interoperable with existing MIFARE DESFire infrastructure.

All MIFARE DESFire products are based on open global standards for both air interface and implemented cryptographic methods. It is compliant to all 4 levels of ISO/IEC 14443A and uses optional ISO/IEC 7816-4 commands, features an on-chip backup management system and mutual three-pass authentication as well as encrypted communication.

The size of each file is defined at the moment of its creation, provides an automatic anti-tear mechanism for all file types, guaranteeing transaction-oriented data integrity. Data transfer rates from up to 848 Kbit/s can be achieved, allowing for fast data transmission.

The main characteristics of the MIFARE DESFire family are denoted by the name “DESFire”: “DES” indicates the high level of security using a hardware crypto co-processor for either 3DES or AES-based data processing. “Fire” indicates its outstanding position as a fast, innovative and highly reliable IC ideally suited to enable a wide variety of different applications.

Data Sheets (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
MIFARE® DESFire EV1 256B contactless smartcard IC (REV 3.0) PDF (107.0 kB) MF3ICDQ1_MF3ICDHQ1_SDS09 Nov 2015
Package Information (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
plastic leadless module carrier package; 35 mm wide tape (REV 1.0) PDF (220.0 kB) SOT500-408 Feb 2016
Ordering Information