DVK-SFEU-1-GEVK: Sigfox Development Kit

The Sigfox DVK (DVK-SFEU -1-GEVK) is a miniaturized development kit for the designer starting out with the AX-SIGFOX chip, a ultra-low power high performance SigfoxTm SoC for up-link and down-link. The Sigfox DVK hardware consists of a USB debug adapter and an RF module and includes all software necessary to develop systems in shortest times. The module has a tiny footprint of just 33 x 15 mm2, and is equipped with an SMA connector.

Evaluation/Development Tool Information
ProductStatusComplianceShort DescriptionParts Used
DVK-SFEU-1-GEVKActivePb-freeSigfox Development KitAX-SFEU-1-01-TB05
Technical Documents
TypeDocument TitleDocument ID/SizeRev
Application NotesDVK-SF-1 Development Kit Quick Start GuideAND9327/D - 180 KB2
Design & Development ToolsDVK-SFEU-1-GEVK Combination AX-Sigfox RefDesignDVK-SFEU-1-GEVK_Comb_AX_Sigfox_RefDesign_v1_2 - 415 KB0
AND9327/D - 180 KB DVK-SFEU-1-GEVK
DVK-SFEU-1-GEVK Combination AX-Sigfox RefDesign AX-SFEU-API