MC10SX1190: Fibre Channel Coaxial Cable Driver and Loop Resiliency Circuit

The MC10SX1190 is a differential receiver, differential transmitter specifically designed to drive coaxial cables. It incorporates the output cable drive capability of the MC10EP89 Coaxial Cable Driver with additional circuitry to multiplex the output cable drive source between thecable receiver or the local transmitter inputs. The multiplexer control circuitry is TTL compatible for ease of operation. The MC10SX1190 is useful as a bypass element for Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) or Serial Storage Architecture (SSA applications, to create loop style interconnects with fault tolerant, active switches at each device node. This device is particularly useful for back panel applications where small size is desirable. The EP89 style drive circuitry produces swings approximately twice as large as a standard PECL output. When driving a coaxial cable, proper termination is required at both ends of the line to minimize reflections. The 1.4V output swings allow for proper termination at both ends of the cable, while maintaining the required swing at the receiving end of the cable. Because of the larger output swings, the QT, QTbar outputs are terminated into the thevenin equivalent of 50? to VCC 3.0V instead of 50? to VCC 2.0V.

  • 2.5 Gbps Operation
  • 425ps Propagation Delay
  • 1.4V Output Swing on the Cable Driving Output
  • PECL Mode: 3.0V to 5.5V VCC, with VEE = 0V
  • ECL Mode: 0V VCC, with VEE = -3.0V to -5.5V
  • 75kWInternal Input Pull Down Resistors
  • 2000 V H.B.M. ESD Protection, >100 V mm
  • These are Pb-Free Devices
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AC Characteristics of ECL DevicesAND8090/D (896.0kB)1
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Fibre Channel Coaxial Cable Driver and Loop Resillency CircuitMC10SX1190/D (142.0kB)3
产品状况Compliance具体说明封装MSL*容器预算价格 (1千个数量的单价)
MC10SX1190DTObsoletePb-freeFibre Channel Coaxial Cable Driver and Loop Resiliency CircuitTSSOP-20948E-021Tube75
MC10SX1190DTGActivePb-free Halide freeFibre Channel Coaxial Cable Driver and Loop Resiliency CircuitTSSOP-20948E-021Tube75联系BDTIC
MC10SX1190DTR2GActivePb-free Halide freeFibre Channel Coaxial Cable Driver and Loop Resiliency CircuitTSSOP-20948E-021Tape and Reel2500联系BDTIC
ProductTypeChannelsInput / Output RatioInput LevelOutput LevelVCC Typ (V)tJitterRMS Typ (ps)tskew(o-o) Max (ps)tpd Typ (ns)tR & tF Max (ps)fmaxClock Typ (MHz)fmaxData Typ (Mbps)
MC10SX1190DTGFibre Channel Coaxial Cable Driver12:2ECL2X ECL3.3   5150.28   0.44   0.47   0.7250   500
MC10SX1190DTR2GFibre Channel Coaxial Cable Driver12:2ECL2X ECL3.3   5150.28   0.44   0.47   0.7250   500
Fibre Channel Coaxial Cable Driver and Loop Resillency Circuit MC10SX1190
AC Characteristics of ECL Devices NB100LVEP91