Remote Temperature Sensors

DS16203-Wire 0.5°C Accurate Temperature Sensor and Thermostat19940601
DS16212-wire 0.5°C Accurate Temperature Sensor and Thermostat19950601
DS1624Digital Thermometer and 256-Byte EEPROM20010409
DS16263-Wire ±0.5° Accurate Digital Thermometer and Thermostat20030129
DS1629Digital Thermometer and Real Time Clock/Calendar20010409
DS1631High Precision Digital Thermometer and Thermostat20020129
DS1721Econo Digital Thermometer and Thermostat20010409
DS17223-Wire/SPI Digital Thermometer20010409
DS17263-Wire ±1°C Accurate Digital Thermometer and Thermostat20030129
DS1731±1°C Digital Thermometer and Thermostat20020129
DS1775Tiny Digital Thermometer and Thermostat20010409
DS1780CPU Peripheral Monitor20010409
DS1822Econo 1-Wire Digital Thermometer20010504
DS1822-PAREcono Parasite-Power Digital Thermometer20010504
DS1825Programmable 1-Wire Digital Thermometer with 4-bit Address20041217
DS18B20High-Precision 1-Wire Digital Thermometer20010504
DS18B20-PARHigh-Precision Parasite-Power Digital Thermometer20010504
DS18S201-Wire Digital Thermometer20010504
DS18S20-PARParasite-Power Digital Thermometer20010504
DS28EA001-Wire Digital Thermometer with Sequence Detect and PIO20070116
DS60Analog Temperature Sensor20020626
DS600±0.5°C (Max) Accurate Analog Output Temperature Sensor20040406
DS620Low-Voltage +/-0.5°C Accuracy Temperature Sensor and Thermostat20040723
DS75Digital Thermometer and Thermostat20010409
DS7505High-Precision DS75 Compatible Digital Thermometer and Thermostat20080219
DS75LVLow Voltage Digital Temperature Sensor20060330
DS75LXDigital Thermometer and Thermostat with Extended Addressing20070420
MAX109910-bit Serial-Output Temperature Sensors with 5-Channel ADC20010423
MAX129812-bit Serial-Output Temperature Sensors with 5-Channel ADC20010423
MAX129912-bit Serial-Output Temperature Sensors with 5-Channel ADC20010423
MAX1617ARemote/Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Serial Interface19990908
MAX1619Remote/Local Temperature Sensor with Dual-Alarm Outputs and SMBus Serial Interface19990908
MAX1668Five-Channel Temperature Sensor with SMBus Serial Interface20001002
MAX1805Three-Channel Temperature Sensor with SMBus Serial Interface20001002
MAX1989Five-Channel Temperature Sensor with SMBus Serial Interface20001002
MAX30205±0.1°C Medical Grade Temperature Sensors for Thermometer Applications20160321
MAX31629I2C Digital Thermometer and Real-Time Clock20140327
MAX31722Digital Thermometers and Thermostats with SPI/3-Wire Interface20101111
MAX31723Digital Thermometers and Thermostats with SPI/3-Wire Interface20101111
MAX31725±0.5°C Local I2C Temperature Sensor20120928
MAX31726±0.5°C Local I2C Temperature Sensor with Reset20130329
MAX317303-Channel Remote Temperature Sensor20140327
MAX318201-Wire Ambient Temperature Sensor20130630
MAX31820PAR1-Wire Parasite Powered Ambient Air Sensor20130630
MAX318261-Wire Digital Temperature Sensor with 1Kbit Lockable EEPROM20120330
MAX318501-Wire Thermcouple to Digital Converter20130524
MAX318511-Wire Thermcouple to Digital Converter20130524
MAX31855Cold Junction Compensated Thermocouple to Digital Converter20110325
MAX31856Precision Thermocouple to Digital Converter with Linearization20150408
MAX31865RTD-to-Digital Converter20120928
MAX6575SOT Temperature Sensor with Multidrop Single Wire Digital Interface20010510
MAX6576SOT Temperature Sensor with Period Output19990908
MAX6577SOT Temperature Sensor with Frequency Output19990908
MAX6604Temperature sensor for memory modules20061027
MAX6605Low-Power Analog Temperature Sensor in SC7020001219
MAX6607Low-Voltage Analog Temperature Sensors in SC70 and SOT23 Packages20010604
MAX6608Low-Voltage Analog Temperature Sensors in SC70 and SOT23 Packages20010604
MAX6610Precision Low-Power SOT23 Temperature Sensor and Voltage Reference20020524
MAX6611Precision Low-Power SOT23 Temperature Sensor and Voltage Reference20020524
MAX6612High-Slope Low-Power Analog Temperature Sensor in SC70 Package20020903
MAX6613Low-Voltage Analog Temperature Sensors in SC70 and SOT23 Packages20020530
MAX66225-Channel Precision Temperature Monitor20080108
MAX66259-Bit Temperature Sensor with I2C Interface in SOT2320001220
MAX662612-Bit Temperature Sensor with I2C Interface in SOT2320001220
MAX6627Remote SPI-Compatible Temperature Sensor with 1-Degree Accuracy in SOT2320010622
MAX6628Remote SPI-Compatible Temperature Sensor with 1-Degree Accuracy in SOT2320010622
MAX662912-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensors with Serial Interface20010604
MAX663012-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensors with Serial Interface20010604
MAX663112-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensors with Serial Interface20010604
MAX663212-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensors with Serial Interface20010604
MAX663312-Bit Plus Sign Temperature Sensor with I2C/SMBus-Compatible Serial Interface20010824
MAX663412-Bit Plus Sign Temperature Sensor with I2C/SMBus-Compatible Serial Interface20010824
MAX663512-Bit Plus Sign Temperature Sensor with I2C/SMBus-Compatible Serial Interface20010824
MAX66367-Channel Precision Temperature Monitor20080103
MAX6642±1°C SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local Temperature Sensor with Overtemperature Alarm20030719
MAX6646145°C SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms20030719
MAX6647145°C SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms20030719
MAX6648±0.8°C SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms20020829
MAX6649145°C SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms20020829
MAX6652Temperature Sensor and System Monitor in 10-Pin µMax20010223
MAX66541° Accurate Remote/Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Serial Interface20010118
MAX6655Dual Remote/Local Temperature Sensor and Four-Channel Voltage Monitor20010816
MAX6656Dual Remote/Local Temperature Sensor and Four-Channel Voltage Monitor20010816
MAX6657±1°C SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms20010601
MAX6658±1°C SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms20010601
MAX6659±1°C SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms20010601
MAX666212-Bit Plus Sign Temperature Sensor with SPI-Compatible Serial Interface20010830
MAX6667High-Accuracy PWM-Output Temperature Sensor20010821
MAX6672PWM-Output Temperature Sensor in SC70 Package with an Open Drain Output20021118
MAX6673PWM-Output Temperature Sensor in SC70 Package with a Push-Pull Output20021118
MAX6680±1°C Fail-Safe Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with SMBus Interface20020516
MAX6681±1°C Fail-Safe Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with SMBus Interface20020516
MAX6682Thermistor-to-Digital Converter20020326
MAX6683Low Voltage Temperature Sensor and System Monitor in 10-Pin µMax20011120
MAX6689Seven-Channel Temperature Monitor20060825
MAX66902° Accurate Remote/Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Serial Interface20011107
MAX6691Four-Channel Thermistor Temperature-to-Pulse-Width Converter20020214
MAX6692±0.8°C SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms20020829
MAX66937-Channel Precision Temperature Monitor with Beta Compensation20080513
MAX66945-Channel Precision Temperature Monitor with Beta Compensation20080514
MAX6695Dual Remote Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface20040201
MAX6696Dual Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface20040201
MAX6697Seven-Channel Temperature Monitor20050117
MAX66987-Channel Precision Remote-Diode Thermistor and Local Temperature Monitor20050121
MAX6699Five-Channel Temperature Monitor20060428
MAX7500Digital Temperature Sensor with Bus Lock-up Protection20040901
MAX7501Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog20040810
MAX7502Digital Temperature Sensor prevents bus lock up20040810
MAX7503Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog20040810
MAX7504Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog20040810